LPI E - Exam Review 1.6 - Free

The Celestial Liberator

Unshackling Software Freedom from the Gods

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Review of Concepts

Question 1:

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) advocates for free software, which emphasizes:

a) Cost-free software
b) Unlimited access to software
c) Software that is easy to use
d) Software that is visually appealing

Question 2:

Which of the following freedoms is NOT included in the FSF's software freedom definitions?

a) Freedom to examine the source code and modify it
b) Freedom to redistribute the software
c) Freedom to use the software for any purpose
d) Freedom to restrict others from using the software

Question 3:

The phrase "free as in speech, not free as in beer" refers to:

a) The availability of free software at bars and restaurants
b) The distinction between cost and freedom in free software
c) The association of software freedom with alcoholic beverages
d) The preference for beer-related software licenses

Question 4:

Copyleft, often associated with the FSF, is a licensing approach that:

a) Restricts the distribution of software
b) Promotes proprietary software
c) Allows software to be used without restrictions
d) Preserves software freedom and requires derived works to be released under the same license

Question 5:

Which organization is the driving force behind the GNU's Not Unix (GNU) project?

a) Linux Foundation
b) Free Software Foundation (FSF)
c) Open Source Initiative (OSI)
d) Software Freedom Conservancy

Question 6:

One of the software freedom definitions by the FSF is the freedom to examine the source code and modify it. This freedom promotes:

a) Collaboration and innovation
b) Exclusive rights to software developers
c) Commercialization of software
d) Monopolistic control over software distribution



Answer to Question 1:

Answer: b) Unlimited access to software

Explanation: The FSF's advocacy for free software is centered around the idea of unrestricted access and freedom to use the software for any purpose.

Answer to Question 2:

Answer: d) Freedom to restrict others from using the software

Explanation: The FSF's software freedom definitions focus on user freedoms, such as the freedom to use, modify, and redistribute the software. Restricting others from using the software goes against the principles of free software

Answer to Question 3:

Answer: b) The distinction between cost and freedom in free software

Explanation: The phrase highlights the difference between "free" as in freedom (speech) and "free" as in no cost (beer). It emphasizes that free software is about freedom rather than price.

Answer to Question 4:

Answer: d) Preserves software freedom and requires derived works to be released under the same license

Explanation: Copyleft licenses, such as the GNU General Public License (GPL), ensure that software freedoms are maintained and that any modifications or derived works are also subject to the same license terms.

Answer to Question 5:

Answer: b) Free Software Foundation (FSF)

Explanation: The FSF, founded by Richard Stallman in 1985, is the driving force behind the GNU project, which aims to develop a free and open-source Unix-like operating system.

Answer to Question 6:

Answer: a) Collaboration and innovation

Explanation: The freedom to examine and modify source code fosters collaboration and innovation within the software community. It enables users to understand how the software works, make improvements, and contribute to its development.

The Story


Prepare to embark on a celestial odyssey as we join forces with the valiant adventurer on a quest to liberate software freedoms from the clutches of selfish gods. In this thrilling blog post, we will venture into the celestial realm, confronting the divine beings who hoard the powers of lightning and wind within their software. Together, we will unveil the essence of software freedom, expose the chains that bind it, and empower ourselves to become the champions of an open and collaborative digital cosmos.

Unveiling the Selfish Gods: Understanding the Chains of Restriction

Prepare to face the selfish gods who guard their lightning and windful software, denying the world the freedom to harness their power. Explore the motivations behind their restrictive practices and the implications they have on software freedom. Delve into the celestial lore to comprehend the impact of these chains and the barriers they impose on innovation, collaboration, and the progression of knowledge.

The Essence of Software Freedom: Embracing the Liberating Principles

Equip yourself with the celestial tools of knowledge as we uncover the essence of software freedom. Discover the principles that can shatter the chains binding software, including the freedom to use software for any purpose, the freedom to examine and modify its inner workings, the freedom to distribute it, and the freedom to distribute your own modifications. Embrace these liberating principles and forge a path toward a celestial realm where software freedoms reign supreme.

A Celestial Warrior's Arsenal: The Power of Open Source

Unleash the transformative power of open source as a celestial warrior on a mission to liberate software freedoms. Learn how open source software empowers individuals and communities to collaborate, innovate, and share the celestial powers of lightning and wind. Explore the vast cosmic library of open source projects, where the collective wisdom of countless celestial warriors has brought forth revolutionary advancements and fueled the progress of the digital cosmos.

Breaking the Chains: Defeating the Gods of Selfishness

Prepare to face the gods of selfishness head-on as we develop strategies to break free from the chains that bind software freedom. Explore the celestial realm of copyleft licenses, such as the mighty GNU General Public License (GPL), which ensure that the powers of lightning and windful software are forever liberated. Arm yourself with the knowledge of licensing options and understand the celestial impact of choosing the path of openness and collaboration.

The Journey to Digital Liberation: Becoming the Celestial Liberator

Embrace your destiny as the celestial liberator, fighting against the selfish gods and their restrictive practices. Equip yourself with the knowledge of the Linux ecosystem and the tools needed to promote software freedom. Discover how the quest for the LPI Linux Essentials certification aligns with the celestial mission of liberation, validating your expertise in the pursuit of a free and open digital cosmos.

The Triumph of Liberation: A New Era of Collaboration

Celebrate the triumph of software liberation as we pave the way for a new era of collaboration and innovation. Embrace your role as a celestial warrior, advocating for software freedom, and inspiring others to join the cause. Together, let us forge a future where the powers of lightning and windful software are harnessed by all, propelling us toward a digital cosmos where creativity knows no bounds.


In our celestial adventure, we have witnessed the struggle against the selfish gods who withhold the powers of lightning and windful software. Through the principles of software freedom and the strength of open source, we have become the liberators, breaking the chains that bind and empowering a collaborative digital cosmos. As we continue our quest for the liberation of software, let us stand united, champions of a world where the celestial powers of innovation and knowledge are shared by all.

Stay tuned for future celestial journeys where we will explore the depths of software freedom and unveil new frontiers in the Linux cosmos. Together, we shall forge a path toward a digital realm where liberation and collaboration prevail.


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