LPI E - Exam Review 3.5 - IO DIR

Redirecting and Piping Data

Navigating the Linux Terminal Adventure

navigate: 3.4 << -- >> 3.6

Review of Concepts

Learning I/O redirection, here documents, and pipes in Linux enhances career prospects. These skills enable effective data flow management, automation, and streamlined processing. Proficiency in these concepts is highly valued in system administration, DevOps, data engineering, and software development, showcasing expertise in optimizing workflows and handling complex data manipulations.

Question 1:

You want to save the output of a command to a file called "output.txt". Which of the following commands should you use?

A) command > output.txt
B) command < output.txt
C) command >> output.txt
D) command | output.txt

Question 2:

You want to count the number of lines in a file called "data.txt". Which command should you use?

A) grep -c "" data.txt
B) wc -w data.txt
C) wc -l data.txt
D) cat data.txt | wc -w

Question 3:

You want to redirect both the standard output and standard error output of a command to a file called "output.txt". Which operator should you use?

A) >
B) &>
C) >>
D) |

Question 4:

You want to redirect the standard error output of a command to a file called "errors.txt". Which operator should you use?

A) 2>
B) 1>
C) >>
D) |

Question 5:

You want to provide input to a command non-interactively using a here document. Which operator should you use?

A) >
B) <
C) <<
D) |

Question 6:

You want to list the contents of a directory and count the number of lines in the output. Which command should you use?

A) ls | wc -w
B) ls | wc -l
C) ls > wc -l
D) ls >> wc -l

Question 7:

You have a series of commands that need to be executed in a sequence, where the output of each command becomes the input for the next command. How can you achieve this without creating intermediate files?

A) Using the > operator for output redirection.
B) Using the &> operator for combining standard output and standard error output.
C) Using the << operator for capturing input streams.
D) Using the | operator for piping commands.

Question 8:

You want to redirect both standard output and standard error output to a file named "output.txt" and append the output to the file if it already exists. Which operator should you use?

A) >
B) &>
C) >>
D) |

Question 9:

You want to redirect the standard output of a command to a file named "output.txt" and also display the errors on the terminal. Which operator should you use?

A) >
B) 2>
C) &>
D) |

Question 10:

You have a large text file called "data.txt" and you want to count the number of occurrences of the word "apple" in that file. Which command should you use?

A) grep "apple" data.txt
B) wc -l data.txt
C) cat data.txt | wc -w
D) grep -c "apple" data.txt



Answer to 1:

Answer: A) command > output.txt

Explanation: The correct operator to redirect the output of a command to a file is the > operator. Option A redirects the output of the command to the specified file, overwriting its contents if the file already exists. Option B (<) is used to redirect the input of a command from a file, not for output redirection. Option C (>>) is used to append the output of a command to a file instead of overwriting it. Option D (|) is used to connect commands together using pipes, not for file output redirection.

Answer to 2:

Answer: C) wc -l data.txt

Explanation: The correct command to count the number of lines in a file is wc -l. Option A (grep -c "" data.txt) counts the number of matches for an empty pattern in the file, not the number of lines. Option B (wc -w data.txt) counts the number of words in the file. Option D (cat data.txt | wc -w) counts the number of words in the output of the cat command, which is not the desired result.

Answer to 3:

Answer: B) &>

Explanation: The correct operator to redirect both standard output and standard error output to a file is &>. Option A (>) redirects only the standard output, not the standard error output. Option C (>>) appends the output to the file instead of overwriting it. Option D (|) is used for command chaining via pipes, not for output redirection.

Answer to 4:

Answer: A) 2>

Explanation: The correct operator to redirect the standard error output of a command to a file is 2>. Option B (1>) is used for redirecting the standard output, not the standard error output. Option C (>>) is used to append the output to the file instead of overwriting it. Option D (|) is used for command chaining via pipes, not for output redirection.

Answer to 5:

Answer: C) <<

Explanation: The correct operator to use when providing input to a command non-interactively is <<, known as a here document. Option A (>) is used for redirecting the output of a command to a file. Option B (<) is used for redirecting the input of a command from a file. Option D (|) is used for connecting commands together via pipes.

Answer to 6:

Answer: B) ls | wc -l

Explanation: The correct command to list the contents of a directory and count the number of lines in the output is ls | wc -l. Option A (ls | wc -w) counts the number of words in the output of the ls command, not the lines. Option C (ls > wc -l) redirects the output of ls to a file called wc and performs no line counting. Option D (ls >> wc -l) appends the output of ls to a file called wc and performs no line counting.

Answer to 7:

Answer: D) Using the | operator for piping commands.

Explanation: The correct operator for connecting commands together without creating intermediate files is the | operator, known as a pipe. This allows the output of one command to become the input for the next command in the sequence. Option A (>) is used for output redirection to a file. Option B (&>) is used for combining standard output and standard error output. Option C (<<) is used for capturing input streams using here documents.

By employing pipes (|), the output of the first command automatically becomes the input for the second command, allowing for seamless data processing without the need for intermediate files.

Answer to 8:

Answer: B) &>

Explanation: The correct operator to redirect both standard output and standard error output to a file, while appending the output if the file exists, is &>. Option A (>) redirects only the standard output and overwrites the file if it exists. Option C (>>) appends the output to the file but doesn't redirect standard error output. Option D (|) is used for command chaining via pipes, not for output redirection.

Using &> ensures that both the standard output and standard error output are combined and redirected to the specified file, with the option to append the output if the file already exists.

Answer to 9:

Answer: A) >

Explanation: The correct operator to redirect the standard output of a command to a file is >. Option B (2>) is used for redirecting the standard error output, not the standard output. Option C (&>) is used to redirect both standard output and standard error output. Option D (|) is used for command chaining via pipes.

By using > alone, the standard output of the command will be redirected to the specified file, while the standard error output will still be displayed on the terminal.

Answer to 10:

Answer: D) grep -c "apple" data.txt

Explanation: The correct command to count the number of occurrences of the word "apple" in the file "data.txt" is grep -c "apple" data.txt. Option A (grep "apple" data.txt) will display the lines containing the word "apple", but not the count. Option B (wc -l data.txt) will count the number of lines in the file. Option C (cat data.txt | wc -w) will count the number of words in the file, but not the specific word "apple".

By using grep -c "apple", you can specifically search for the word "apple" in the file and obtain the count of its occurrences.

The Story


As our brave adventurer continues their journey through the Linux Terminal Adventure, they have encountered a new challenge—a labyrinth of mirrored reflections in the crystal caverns. To progress, they must overcome the serpent's questions and demonstrate their understanding of redirection and piping techniques. In this blog post, we will explore these concepts and equip our adventurer with the knowledge needed to navigate through this treacherous realm.

Redirecting Error Messages

To redirect only error messages, our adventurer must utilize the 2> operator followed by the desired file name. This operator ensures that error messages are written to the specified file instead of being displayed on the screen. If the file doesn't exist, a new one will be created. However, if the file already exists, its contents will be overwritten.

The Here Document: Capturing Input Stream

Unlike other redirection operators, the << operator functions differently. It allows the adventurer to capture input streams, commonly known as a here document. This technique proves useful when providing input to a command or script non-interactively. The here document redirects input from a specified delimiter until that delimiter is encountered again.

Redirection of Standard Output and Error Output

To redirect both standard output and standard error output to the same file, our adventurer can utilize the &> or &>> operators. The & symbol represents the combination of channel 1 (standard output) and channel 2 (standard error). By using these operators, both output streams can be redirected to a single file for analysis or further processing.

Simplifying Data Processing with Pipes

Redirection becomes increasingly powerful when combined with pipes. Pipes enable the adventurer to connect commands together, allowing the output of the first command to serve as the input for the second command. This seamless connection is achieved using the vertical bar | operator. By chaining commands together, complex data processing tasks can be simplified, eliminating the need for intermediate files.


Armed with the knowledge of redirection and piping techniques, our intrepid adventurer can confidently tackle the challenges presented by the mirrored reflections in the crystal caverns. Understanding how to redirect error messages, capture input streams, combine standard output and error output, and harness the power of pipes, they are now prepared to face the dragon lurking at the end of this stage. Stay tuned for the next thrilling installment of the Linux Terminal Adventure!


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