JavaScript: Functions Internals

Understanding the Internal Structure of JavaScript Functions

In the pursuit of mastering JavaScript, understanding the internal workings of functions is crucial. Functions are the building blocks of any JavaScript program, and comprehending their internals can elevate your coding skills to a professional level. This essay delves into the internal structure of JavaScript functions, covering 

  1. [[FunctionLocation]]

  2. [[Scopes]]

  3. [[HomeObject]]

  4. [[Call]]

  5. [[Construct]]`

Internal Properties of JavaScript Functions

 1. [[FunctionLocation]]

The `[[FunctionLocation]]` internal property indicates where a function is defined in the source code. This property is primarily for debugging and error reporting, helping developers pinpoint where a function originates.

  • Purpose: To provide location information for debugging purposes.
  • Example: When an error occurs, the stack trace reveals the location of the function in the source code, thanks to [[FunctionLocation]].
  • Practical Insight: While [[FunctionLocation]] isn't directly accessible in your code, its presence is invaluable during debugging sessions, allowing you to trace the function's origin and understand its context within the codebase.

2. [[Scopes]]

The `[[Scopes]]` internal property is pivotal in JavaScript's scope chain. It maintains a reference to the lexical environment(s) in which the function was created. This is the backbone of closures, enabling functions to access variables from their defining scope even after that scope has exited.

  • Purpose**: To maintain a chain of scope objects that the function can access, facilitating closures.
  • Example:

    function outer() {
        let outerVar = 'outer';
        return function inner() {
    const innerFunction = outer();
    innerFunction(); // Output: 'outer'

In this example, `innerFunction` retains access to `outerVar` due to the `[[Scopes]]` property, which references the outer function's scope.

  • Practical Insight: Understanding [[Scopes]] is essential for mastering closures, a powerful feature in JavaScript that allows for more flexible and reusable code.

3. [[HomeObject]]

The `[[HomeObject]]` internal property is utilized in class methods, referencing the object on which the method was originally defined. This property is crucial for the correct operation of the `super` keyword in class methods.

  • Purpose: To allow class methods to reference their home object, enabling the use of `super`.
  • Example:

    class Parent {
        greet() {
            return 'Hello from Parent';

    class Child extends Parent {
        greet() {
            return `${super.greet()} and Child`;

    const child = new Child();
    console.log(child.greet()); // Output: 'Hello from Parent and Child'

Here, [[HomeObject]] allows the `greet` method in `Child` to call the `greet` method in `Parent`.

  • Practical Insight: Mastery of [[HomeObject]] and its relationship with `super` is critical for implementing and understanding inheritance in JavaScript classes.

4. [[Call]]

The `[[Call]]` internal method is the mechanism that handles the invocation of a function. When you call a function using the `()` operator, the `[[Call]]` method is executed, setting up the execution context, passing arguments, and performing the function's defined operations.

  • Purpose: To perform the necessary operations when a function is invoked.
  • Example:

    function sayHello(name) {
        return `Hello, ${name}`;
    sayHello('Alice'); // [[Call]] method is executed internally

  • Practical Insight: While developers do not interact with `[[Call]]` directly, understanding that this internal method underlies every function invocation can deepen your comprehension of JavaScript's execution model.

5. [[Construct]]

The `[[Construct]]` internal method is called when a function is used as a constructor with the `new` keyword. It handles the creation of a new object, setting up the prototype chain, and initializing the new object's properties.

  • Purpose**: To enable functions to act as constructors, creating new instances with their own properties and methods.
  • Example:

    function Person(name) { = name;
    const alice = new Person('Alice'); // [[Construct]] method is executed internally

Practical Insight: Understanding `[[Construct]]` is essential for working with constructor functions and object-oriented programming in JavaScript. It allows you to create reusable object blueprints efficiently.


JavaScript functions are more than just callable blocks of code. They are intricate objects with internal properties and methods that facilitate their versatile functionality. By understanding properties like `[[FunctionLocation]]`, `[[Scopes]]`, `[[HomeObject]]`, and methods like `[[Call]]` and `[[Construct]]`, you gain insight into the core mechanics of JavaScript. This knowledge not only enhances debugging and code comprehension but also empowers you to write more robust and sophisticated programs.

Certification Questions and Answers

Question 1: What is the purpose of the `[[FunctionLocation]]` property?

Answer: The `[[FunctionLocation]]` property indicates where a function was defined in the source code. It is primarily used for debugging and error reporting to help developers trace the function's origin.

Question 2: How does the `[[Scopes]]` property facilitate closures in JavaScript?

Answer: The `[[Scopes]]` property maintains a reference to the lexical environment(s) in which the function was created, allowing the function to access variables from its defining scope even after that scope has exited. This is the core mechanism enabling closures.

Question 3: Explain the role of the `[[HomeObject]]` property in class methods.

Answer: The `[[HomeObject]]` property in class methods references the object on which the method was originally defined, enabling the correct operation of the `super` keyword to call methods from parent classes.

Question 4: What is the `[[Call]]` internal method, and when is it executed?

Answer: The `[[Call]]` internal method handles the invocation of a function. It is executed whenever a function is called using the `()` operator, setting up the execution context, passing arguments, and performing the function's operations.

Question 5: Describe the `[[Construct]]` method and its purpose.

Answer: The `[[Construct]]` method is called when a function is used as a constructor with the `new` keyword. It handles the creation of a new object, setting up the prototype chain, and initializing the new object's properties. This method enables functions to act as constructors in object-oriented programming.


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