Exploring the Labyrinth Unleashing the Power of the $PATH Variable in the Linux Terminal navigate: 2.7 << -- >> 2.9 Review of Concepts Understanding the answers to the six questions about the PATH variable is crucial for efficient command execution, troubleshooting errors, customizing the environment, ensuring compatibility across systems, and developing overall proficiency in the Linux Terminal. Question 1: What does the PATH variable in the Linux Terminal store? A) A list of executable programs B) A list of directory names C) A list of command arguments D) A list of environment variables Question 2: What character is used to separate directories in the PATH variable? A) Slash (/) B) Backslash (\) C) Colon (:) D) Period (.) Question 3: What command can be used to append a new directory to the PATH variable? A) append B) extend C) export D) add Question 4: What happens if a directory is removed from the PATH variable? A) The directory is permanently deleted from the system...
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